Newspaper Coverage
Media Narratives of the Land Use Debates at Ye'yumnuts
Ye’yumnuts has been the subject of media coverage since it was identified as an archaeological site in 1992. Most of this has been print media. There is one archived TV news story and other TV coverage has which not yet been located.
This media archive helps readers understand the ongoing debates around the site, and how it came to be protected today.
Media coverage
There were many interests at play in the media coverage of Ye’yumnuts throughout the over-twenty-year contestation over its proposed development. The media coverage reflects these different voices. Nevertheless, reporters did not always tell the story in a way that adequately reflects Cowichan peoples' voices and views.
This graph counts each time a perspective was shared in a media article in a meaningful way. Many articles, for example, contrast the views of the developers and Cowichan Tribes, or discuss both archaeology and the municipal council, while others only consider naturalist or developer perspectives. “Timbercrest Resident” is a broad category, including general layperson narratives.
Classroom Activities
Analyzing and probing the media about Ye’yumnuts can be an educational exercise in conjunction with other resources on this website. Media analysis is part of social studies curricula, particularly around recognizing the difference and interplay between facts and opinions. This analysis helps develop the daily life skills of engaging critically with the media.
Engaging with Ye’yumnuts, a place that older students will likely have some familiarity with from previous education, offers an opportunity to build media skills. Below are some questions, both for general classroom discussion and for analysis of specific articles. They are developed to facilitate critical analysis of what has been said about this place.
General Discussion Questions:
- What is the media's role in influencing principles and values in a society? How does the media relate to civic, cultural and social responsibility?
- How can we understand the relevance of socio-cultural context when assessing information in the media?
- Can comparing our own values and points of view to those expressed in the media allow us to question our opinions and perhaps form new ones? What are some ways to think about media that can help us do this?
Article Specific Questions:
- How much of what is being said is speculation? How much is opinion? How much is fact? What evidence is given for the claims made in this article?
- Whose perspectives are being portrayed in this article? Are there any voices not being heard in this article that would help to make it a more complete picture?
- Is the tone of this article respectful? How about the views expressed in it?
- Given what we have learned about Ye’yumnuts, how balanced and factual do you think this article is?
Selected Media Items
Below is a selection of articles from the media around Ye'yumnuts since the early 1990s, listed in chronological order.
Below many of the articles are reading guides which can be used for direct inquiry and critical thinking about specific pieces.
These guides draw connections to other media pieces and the larger dialogue as well as provide targeted discussion questions.

Other News Media Stories
In 2006 CTV's First Voices did a story on the ongoing destruction of archaeological sites in Hul'q'umi'num' peoples' territories. Ye'yumnuts (then called the 'Somenos Creek Site' was mentioned in this story, along with other places like Poet's Cove and Walker's Hook.
For more context see also this web map [LINK]